BelayGlasses are specific patented goggles that allow the belayer to observe the climber without bending his or her neck. BelayGlasses is unique solution for more comfortable and safer belaying.
The belayer does not have to bend his head and can easily watch the climber just from anywhere
The belayer does not suffer from neck and back pain and is always protected
from chronic pain
The belayer can watch constantly the climber without disruption and thus pay a lot more attention to belaying
Not only long pitches at a crag, but also wall climbing sessions are demanding on the belayer, who has to remain for quite long time in an uncomfortable position with bent neck. While keeping an eye on the climber, belayer struggles to find the least uncomfortable position. This discomfort may result in less attention paid to the climber and thus impose a threat for the climbing safety. Moreover, staying in this uneasy position usually have negative influence on the belayer´s health from the long term perspective – continuous neck pain, back pain, or even headaches. Does it sound familiar? Then you might be one of the many climbers that suffer of Belayer´s neck.
Every climber knows this feeling... we all used to fight it...but not anymore! BelayGlasses bring the perfect solution right for you!
Due to the uncomfortable position during long belay sessions, when the belayer´s head is bent backwards and neck is significantly bowed from its regular position, the belayer often suffers from a neck pain or uncomfortable stiffness of the cervical area, which might gradually result into chronic headache.
Under normal conditions, the neck is kept under certain angle (usually around 175°…) which does not impose stress on the spinal vertebras. |
However, if the neck is exposed to abnormal position, while the head is bent backwards for longer time, it has higly negative impact on the whole spine.
Under the most pressure are the vertebras which could irritate or even jam nerves, and thus develop from discomfort to chronic condition, which might cause aninflammation of the nerve receptors and become major source of the pain. The best way how to prevent from such situation, is to avoid the perpetual head bend. And that is what BelayGlasses are for! |
![]() Dimensions: 17cm x 15cm x 3.5cm |
![]() Colors: Yellow Green Purple Blue |
![]() In the box: BelayGlasses Microfiber cloth Nylon case Strap |
![]() Features: UV resistant color Robust frame Crystal clear view |
![]() Weight: 77 g |