Shipping policy

When you place your order, we will send you confirmation email with the receipt. As soon as the BelayGlasses are handed over to the carrier you will receive an email with Track&Trace link. By clicking on the link you can track your package from the moment of shipment until its delivery to your home.

Please note that orders are processed on working days (Monday to Friday) only. Orders placed on the weekend will be processed on the next Monday. Products on stock will be shipped within 2 days of purchase order. We cannot guarantee BelayGlasses are always on stock in the required amount, but we will do our best to ship them as soon as possible.

Please check the package before taking it over from the transport service. If damage is indicated, liability should be claimed at the transport service. BelayGlasses cannot take the responsibility for damages during transport. Once you accept the package, so you accept the launch of the 1 year warranty.

If you decide to return your BelayGlasses, you have the liability for damage to the package during the transport. We recommend an insurance of the package.


Shipping price is fixed for all countries worldwide 6 £.